
Learn French with native speakers by enrolling in an AFCC French language course! It is expected classes will be face-to-face, but this is subject to any developments due to Covid 19 and government regulations on social distancing.

Please contact your teacher for precise information.

Classes table

To make it easier to find a class that suits you, we have created a table with all our courses.

Weekly TimesTerm DatesClassLocationTeacherCostClass delivery method
9:30 to 10:30am
4th February to 8th AprilIntermediate B1, B2East GosfordFélix10 weeks = $180Zoom videoconference
15:30 to 16:30pm
4th February to 8th AprilBeginners Continuing A2East GosfordFélix10 weeks = $180In person
17:30 to 18:30pm
4th February to 8th April Beginners A1.1 East GosfordFélix10 weeks = $180In person
17:30 to 18:30pm
5th February to 9th AprilBeginners continuing A1.2East GosfordFélix10 weeks = $180In person
11am to 12pm
7th February to 11th AprilBeginners A1.0East GosfordFélix10 weeks = $180In person

Classes for high school students are also available. Day and time to be negotiated.

Can any new students please contact the coordinator, Patricia, before enrolling at or Tel: 0497 379 205

Term fee details can be seen in the above table and at the online shop page.  To ensure there are sufficient students to form a class, we would appreciate it if payments can be made to AFCC at least FIVE working days before the first session of each term.

How To Enrol

1 – New Students:  first check with the coordinator, Patricia  to ensure places are available. or Tel: 0497 379 205

  1. All students: Complete the enrolment form and send to the class teacher.

3 – Pay via online shop or bank transfer.

If using bank transfer, make sure you include your name as reference please or otherwise your phone number.

Our Bank details:  ANZ 012-621 A/c no. 353799911 Alliance Française Côte Centrale Inc.

Take your receipt from your payment to your first class and email to with details including your name and class you are paying for.

4 – Include cost of textbook if required and AFCC membership if you are not already a member.

Classes enrolment form

Class Enrolment Form

To register for one of the AFCC classes, please download and complete the latest enrolment form.  If you pay by bank transfer, please write your phone number as a reference.


To help you determine your level, you are encouraged to contact the coordinator, Patricia: or Tel: 0497 379 205

More classes can be held depending on requests. Our teacher can also give private lessons, personalised according to your specific needs. Our classes follow the levels recommended by the Common European Framework of Reference from the European Council.


Beginners A1:
Learn how to: greet and take leave , introduce yourself and state your identity, ask for someone’s basic information, communicate in the classroom, count up to 100, tell the time, talk about your family and friends, activities and hobbies, book an hotel and buy food, find your way around town.

Continuing Beginners A1:
You have already learnt a bit of French and know the basics .We will cover the same A1 topics but a slightly faster pace with more emphasis on spoken French. According to the  Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, you will acquire level A1 and be able to take the DELF A1 exam after 60 hours of lessons.

Elementary A2 (at least 1 year previous French study):

You’ll learn to use different tenses so you can talk about events or activities in the past and the future. You will acquire more vocabulary on basic topics and develop your listening and speaking skills so that you are able to hold a conversation about subjects you are familiar with.

Intermediate B1/B2 (2+  years French study):

You already know how to speak in the present and the past tenses (imparfait/passé composé) and can get by in diverse situations travelling in a francophone country. You will continue to extend your knowledge of French grammar and  learn how to express your opinion about different subjects and take part in class discussions.

French for travel (basic):

This course will  give you the basic vocabulary and language skills to get by on a business trip / holiday in a French speaking country.

Conversation (requires  a good knowledge of French grammar, some confidence in speaking French):
Improve your conversational French , using clippings from French newspapers or magazines articles, you will participate n a stimulating exchange of opinion about French society and culture.

Terms and Conditions

Adult Classes : You are enrolling with us. Please read the information below carefully

1. Students must enrol for an entire course.
2. Adult Courses are for students of 18 years and above unless otherwise indicated.
3. All fees must be paid at time of registration. Pro-rata payment is only available at the discretion of AFCC.
4. No refund or credit will be given to any student who withdraws less than 24 hours before the commencement of a course.
5. No refund, transfer or credit will be given should a student fail to attend every class or leave before the end of the term.
6. Alliance Française Côte Centrale reserves the right to cancel classes if a minimum of 5 enrolments is not reached.
7. If a class is cancelled by AF, students will be fully refunded or offered a full credit for the following term.
8. Please note that credit notes are neither transferable, nor redeemable for cash and have a strict use by date.
9. New students who are not complete beginners need to have their level assessed prior to joining a class.
10. To ensure the best quality in teaching, the AF reserves the right to redirect a student to another class level if the student’s level does not match the rest of the class.
11. if the teacher is not able to attend a class, he/she will offer a replacement time in consultation with students.
12. Alliance Française Côte Centrale has the right to ask a student to withdraw from the course if his/her behaviour is considered inappropriate or detrimental to the good running of the class. No refund is payable in that case.