Author Archives: admin

A collection of French film reviews

Our President, Ary, has collated a number of French film reviews. All AFCC members can borrow these French movies from our Médiathèque.

Follow the links to explore:

Adele Blanc Sec                     

(Les aventures extraordinaires d’Adele Blanc-Sec)


Another woman’life                   

(La vie d’une autre)


Beautiful Lies                            

(De vrais mensonges)


Café de Flore                             


Change of Plans                        

(Le code a changé




Dans Paris                                 




Happiness never comes alone (Eng)


Un bonheur jamais arrives seule (Fr)





Hunting and Gathering              

(Ensemble c’est tout)


Le chef                                      

(Comme un chef)


L’élégant criminel                      


Le fabuleux destin d’Amélie Polain


Love crime                                

(Crime d’amour)


Marie-Jo and her two loves       

(Marie Jo et ses deux amours)


Monsieur Batignole                   


My afternoons with Margueritte

(La tête en friche)


My mother’s castle                     

(Le chateau de ma mère)


Outside the Law                        

(Hors la loi)


Paris je t’aime                            



(Hors de prix)


Romantics Anonymous             

(Les émotifs anonymes)


Rust and Bone                           

(De rouille et d’os)


Summer Hours                          

(L’heure d’été)


Tell No-one                               

(Ne le dis à personne)


The Concert                              

(Le concert)


The Perfect Date                       

(L’amour c’est mieux à deux)


The Singer                                 

(Quand j’étais Chanteur)


The story of my life                   

(Mensonges et trahisons et plus si affinités)


The women on the sixth Floor

(Les femmes du 6e étage)


Therèse Desqueyroux               



Bastille Day 2015

2011_Fireworks_on_Eiffel_Tower_01The Alliance Française de la Côte Centrale will holding its annual Bastille Day festivity on Saturday, July 11 at the usual meeting place, Erina Leagues Club. See previous Bastille Day events:

Bastille Day actually falls on Tuesday, July 14; however, we will celebrate the event at our regular meeting on Saturday, July 11. Arrangements for this are being finalized, but we know the chefs at Erina Leagues will be making some French breakfast meals.

Hardys Bay 1Following this year’s Bastille Day event, Hardy’s Bay club has a French night the following Saturday, July 18.

Our well known musical member Les Dupont-Louis will be performing there with accordioniste Narelle. A flyer and details of the Menu are attached. Also a reminder that the 10th annual 5 Lands walk will take place this Saturday – *weather permitting.* We will have a stand and Les will also display his musical talent.

Like us on Facebook!

The Alliance Française de la Côte Centrale now has a Facebook page!

The AFCC Facebook page.

The AFCC Facebook page.

Please feel free to like us and join in the conversation. We will be posting most of our Web site content through the Facebook page. Voila!

New Caledonia study tour update

Applications for our inaugural AFCC study tour are now closed.

11 students have signed up, plus a couple of extra people for “moral support” or simply to enjoy a week in this beautiful francophone island.

Flights are booked, deposits paid and the study course representatives in Nouméa are currently organising our hotel or home stay accommodation.

We are all very excited that the trip is going ahead and can’t wait till September!

Fête du Noël (Xmas) BBQ 2014: Saturday, Dec 13 2014

Please join the Alliance Francaise de la Cote Centrale for our Fête du Noël (Xmas) BBQ and celebration for 2014.

Event details:

  • Saturday, December 13 2014
  • 12 noon to 3pm
  • Tuggerah Lakes Community Centre (1 Bay Village Rd, near The Entrance Leagues Club)

We will be enjoying Christmas carols in French, tea, coffee and a sweet Christmas treat. And we’ll be having a few games of pétanque!

Christmas 2014 flyer

Christmas 2014 flyer

What to bring:

  • Meat for BBQ
  • Sweets and salads to share

Joyeaux Noël!

Announcing Club Causerie

In order to cater for native French speakers, as well as advanced French speakers in general, we now offer at our monthly rendez-vous the opportunity to simply come together for a chat.

We have given this the name “Club Causerie”. This opportunity will be available starting at our next regular meeting on October 11, 2014.

Club Causerie

Désormais, à chaque réunion, les Francophones et ceux qui sont confiants auront le choix de se mettre en petit groupe afin de causer ensemble.

French classes table: Term 4, 2014

The Alliance Francaise Cote Centrale runs a number of French language courses throughout the year.

Classes table: Term 4

To make it easier to find a class that suits you, we have created a new table for term 4, 2014.

AFCC classes table: term 4, 2014

AFCC classes table: term 4, 2014

See our classes page for more details and the enrolment form. You can also order classes online through the AFCC Shop.

Bastille Day 2014

AFCC_BastilleDay2013_pic3AFCC Bastille Day meeting

On Saturday, July 12 2014, the Alliance Francaise Cote Central will be holding its regular monthly meeting and celebrating Bastille Day for 2014.

Location: Narara Community Centre

Please note the Bastille Day meeting will not be at the regular Erina Legues Club venue. Instead it will be at the Narara Community Centre in Narara.

  • Location: Narara Community Centre. 2-12 Pandala Road, Narara.
  • Cost: $5 per person.
  • Food & drink: Profiteroles and baguettes will be provided. Other than that bring your own food and drinks. There is a kitchen at the Centre. You can also bring a portable BBQ if you want to join in the BBQ lunch.
  • Time: 12pm til 3pm.


See last year’s post for a little history on Bastille Day, or la fete nationale.


2013 Noel (xmas) BBQ: Saturday, Dec 14

Alliance Française de la Côte Centrale presents:


  • When: Samedi le 14 décembre de 10.30 à 3.00
  • Where: Multicultural Centre
    1 Bay Village Road, Bateau Bay
    (behind The Entrance Leagues Club)
  • Cost: $5.00 per person
  • Food: Please bring your own BBQ/picnic/drinks and something to share.


Plan for the day:

  • Conversation 10.30 – 12.00
  • Déjeuner à partir de 12.30
  • Pétanque & Musique

French film night ‘The Intouchables’: Nov 22, 2013

Alliance Francaise CC will be holding another French film night this month.

The Intouchables is a 2011 French comedy-drama film directed by  Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano. It stars Francois Cluzet and Omar Sy.

After he becomes a quadriplegic from a paragliding accident, an aristocrat hires a young man from the poor suburbs to be his caretaker.

  • Movie: The Intouchables
  • Date: Friday Nov 22, 2013
  • Time: 6:45 for 7:00pm start
  • Location: The Hub Youth Entertainment Venue, Erina (next to the library at Erina Fair shopping centre)
  • Cost: Only $2 for entry
  • Food/drink: AFCC will provide a light supper and tea/coffee
  • Open to all: members, friends and the public

Intouchables est un film français réalisé par Olivier Nakache et Éric Toledano, sorti en France le 2 novembre 2011.

L’histoire est inspirée de la vie de Philippe Pozzo di Borgo (auteur du livre Le Second Souffle), tétraplégique depuis 1993, et de sa relation avec Abdel Yasmin Sellou, son aide à domicile, dont les rôles sont tenus respectivement par les acteurs François Cluzet et Omar Sy. Le générique de fin indique que 5 % des bénéfices réalisés par le film sont reversés à une association pour les personnes paralysées, “Simon de Cyrène”1, fondée par Laurent de Cherisey.